



Business hours : 11時00分 21時00分
Closed :
Phone number : 0988002606
Website URL : https://chunchundowithyabusachi.owst.jp/


春々堂withやぶさちは富山県にある株式会社廣貫堂様と沖縄県南城市にあるCafeやぶさちがコラボして誕生した身体に優しい美味しいがコンセプトの沖縄初の本格薬膳カフェ。地元の新鮮な食材に薬膳を取り入れた身体に優しいメニューを提供しています。県内4箇所のクラフトビールや漢方素材がたっぷり入った琉球ハブボール、ワインなどアルコールの品揃えも充実。 日本酒の日のイベントでは和歌山の地酒と薬膳プレートをご準備します。

Eat-in Takeout
Delivery service Checking Employee’s body temperature
Wearing mask (Employee) Installation of disinfectant
Number of seats reduced Door openning
Disinfection before work Store disinfection after the customer left
Sterillization when serving Avoid contact at the payments
Request for taking temperature (customer) Request to wear a mask (customer)
Alcohol disinfection (customer) Record at entry (customer)
Self order (customer) Avoid sharing food and drinks (customers)
Thorough hand washing and disinfection (customer) Store original measures
Seat spacing Ventilation during business
Wearing a mask in the store Checking body temperature
Sanitizer Non-contact at cashier
Installation of thermometer Online shopping
Crowdfunding・Tickets Online cooking classes
Limited license for liquor retail License expiration date
Delivery service
Wearing mask (Employee)
Number of seats reduced
Disinfection before work
Sterillization when serving
Request for taking temperature (customer)
Alcohol disinfection (customer)
Self order (customer)
Thorough hand washing and disinfection (customer)
Seat spacing
Wearing a mask in the store
Installation of thermometer
Limited license for liquor retail
Checking Employee’s body temperature
Installation of disinfectant
Door openning
Store disinfection after the customer left
Avoid contact at the payments
Request to wear a mask (customer)
Record at entry (customer)
Avoid sharing food and drinks (customers)
Store original measures
Ventilation during business
Checking body temperature
Non-contact at cashier
Online shopping
Online cooking classes
License expiration date