厳選飛騨牛肉料理 個室 居酒屋 凛屋(りんや)岐阜店


厳選飛騨牛肉料理 個室 居酒屋 凛屋(りんや)岐阜店


Business hours : 【ランチ】11:00~14:00  【日~木】17:00~24:00 【金・土・祝前日】17:00~26:00
Closed :
Phone number : 0582157443
Website URL : https://rinyagifu.owst.jp/


全席個室の居酒屋ダイニング♪【週末もOK!】新名物!牛タンしゃぶしゃぶコース登場歓迎会、送別会、会社宴会、記念日、女子会、デート等にピッタリな2~26名様までの完全個室が19室!一人一人のお客様に優しく丁寧に最高の笑顔で接する事を心がけております♪ ホールケーキにメッセージやフォトサービスなどご要望に誠心誠意お答えします♪ 【お料理】飛騨牛溶岩焼きを始め、各種お手軽居酒屋おつまみ~創作料理まで幅広く揃えています♪

Eat-in Takeout
Delivery service Checking Employee’s body temperature
Wearing mask (Employee) Installation of disinfectant
Number of seats reduced Door openning
Disinfection before work Store disinfection after the customer left
Sterillization when serving Avoid contact at the payments
Request for taking temperature (customer) Request to wear a mask (customer)
Alcohol disinfection (customer) Record at entry (customer)
Self order (customer) Avoid sharing food and drinks (customers)
Thorough hand washing and disinfection (customer) Store original measures
Seat spacing Ventilation during business
Wearing a mask in the store Checking body temperature
Sanitizer Non-contact at cashier
Installation of thermometer Online shopping
Crowdfunding・Tickets Online cooking classes
Limited license for liquor retail License expiration date
Delivery service
Wearing mask (Employee)
Number of seats reduced
Disinfection before work
Sterillization when serving
Request for taking temperature (customer)
Alcohol disinfection (customer)
Self order (customer)
Thorough hand washing and disinfection (customer)
Seat spacing
Wearing a mask in the store
Installation of thermometer
Limited license for liquor retail
Checking Employee’s body temperature
Installation of disinfectant
Door openning
Store disinfection after the customer left
Avoid contact at the payments
Request to wear a mask (customer)
Record at entry (customer)
Avoid sharing food and drinks (customers)
Store original measures
Ventilation during business
Checking body temperature
Non-contact at cashier
Online shopping
Online cooking classes
License expiration date